Candice Coots
Content Marketing at SetSail
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"The light lies within us. It's our job to release it."

Diego Penafiel joined SetSail nearly one year ago as a data engineer, helping bring actionable visibility to modern revenue teams. Based in Pittsburgh, PA., he enjoys going to concerts, spending time with his family in Ecuador, and playing with his puppy Gus. He is a kind and talented crewmate who demonstrates self-love with his daily motto, "The light lies within us. It's our job to release it."

(Diego and his family in 2019)

Watch Diego's "Get to Know a SetSailor" video.

He shares his favorite SetSail core value, "being open and honest," and offers his feedback for inspiring data engineers. Plus, you'll learn more about Diego's close-knit family and the unique love story he and his wife share––they met at 15-years-old but didn't see each for eight years after. Watch his full video to learn how a mall run sparked their now 12-years together.