Sam Hillestad
Product Marketing at SetSail
Table of contents:

At SetSail, we're laser-focused on providing our customers with actionable visibility into their sales data. In that vein, we're proud to announce the availability of a suite of new visibility features. Customers will be able to:

  1. Help reps improve by granting access to SetSail Dashboards
  2. Coach reps on timely follow ups
  3. Easily navigate between the most important sales tools

Read on to learn more about these new features, or sign up for a free assessment to try for yourself!

Help Reps Improve by Granting Access to SetSail Dashboards

Example dashboard reps will get access to

Many reps have asked for our signal data to help them self-improve. This new feature gives reps access to the same dashboards as their managers. Reps will:

  • Gain insights to improve their workflow
  • Learn by comparing themselves to peers
  • Never be surprised by what their manager shows them

If you're already a customer, let your CSM know when you're ready to enable this feature. If you're not yet a customer, request a demo and we'll show you firsthand the dashboards managers and reps will get access to.

Coach Reps on Timely Follow Ups

Customers now have access to a new category of signals! With these "time-based signals," they'll get visibility into how quickly reps are following up on emails and meetings. This is critical to keeping up sales momentum and will help with rep coaching on deal acceleration.

Example time-based signals

Easily Navigate Between Sales Tools

SetSail's Sales Data Hub now gives you seamless access to the most important sources of sales data. On your Deal page, you now have:

  • Direct links to Opportunities, Accounts, and Contacts in Salesforce
  • Direct links to a contact's LinkedIn page
  • Easy access to a contact's email address and phone number
A link to an Account in Salesforce

Customers should contact their CSM to get started. Non-customers can sign up for a free assessment that will get you access to these features and much more!

SetSail is rapidly growing and updating its product, so stay tuned for more changes to come!